Bridge of Hope has been blessed with many children! These kids attend several different elementary schools, and we have families who home school. This challenges us to provide educational programs that allow kids to grow in knowledge and personal relationship even though they have different educational backgrounds.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
We offer nursery for infants and toddlers, birth through 2 years old, during our worship service. Members are scheduled on a rotating basis to serve and help care for our children.
Children age 3 through Transitional Kindergarten attend Promise Lambs which meets during the second half of our worship services during the school year. Parents of children this age, and others who volunteer, are on a rotating schedule to be a teacher, a helper or the parent in charge of set-up/take-down each Sunday. If a child has turned 3 by September 15 of that year they are invited to attend. If children turn 3 between September 15 and December 31 they may join Promise Lambs for the winter/spring semester beginning in January. This helps provide important consistency for our classrooms and teachers.
Kindergarten through 5th grade children are using the Bible Studies for Life curriculum by Lifeway in Sunday School this year. Its focus is to make Bible stories applicable to the lives of our children. Each week it teaches the same Bible story to each grade level but is focused on age appropriate learning and concepts. Families can use the free LifeWay Kids App https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lifeway.kids to further study the lessons throughout the week at home.
Because the issue of abuse is relevant in our society, Bridge of Hope instituted an Abuse Prevention Policy in 2006. Its purpose is to safeguard our children, as well as all of our members, offer guidance and outline appropriate steps should a situation of abuse occur.
Everyone who serves our children is asked to read through the policy (click on the link below), and fill out, sign, and turn in the Volunteer Application form to our church office or a member of our Abuse Prevention Team before serving in any role which involves our children.
BOH Abuse Prevention Policy_updated 2022
BOH Volunteer Application for Nursery_updated 2022
BOH Volunteer Application for Promise Lambs, Sun School, Youth Group_updated 2022